Sunday, 25 February 2018

Things that require for start a new business of Namkeen.

Well, According to me First of all you have to go with these ways:-

  1. Planing
  2. Organizing
  3. Directing
  4. controlling
  5. staffing

Potato chips manufacturing can be done at a small-scale level as well as at large scale level. Capital investment depends on the level of the business starting from INR 2 lakhs. It can be done from a large factory as well as your own residence.
The main consumers of potato chips and wafers are families especially in urban and semi-urban areas. Besides, hotels, restaurants, canteens need potato chips in significant quantities.
According to me you should go through with these ways :-
1.Raw Material Required.
one of the most important thing in the food type of business that you need the raw material for making the namkeen. You have to choose what type of raw material required for making namkeen.Raw material used is of superior quality to provide you great performance and efficient working.
2.Machines/Equipment required:
The second one is the Machine/equipment. You need to buy Namkeen Processing Machine, Namkeen Mixer Machine and Namkeen Packaging Machine.
3.License Required.
License is one of the most important thing you have to do business legally with license so here the what are the license that required for namkeen business:-
  • FSSAI License.
  • GST (Good & Service Tax) Registration.
  • Trademark Registration.(if you want to sell namkeen under your own brand)
  • FDA License.
  • and other legal formalities Required.
4.Manpower Required.
If you want start your own business so you need Manpower that will work in to the Factory or unit so manpower is necessary for any business.
5.Transportation Required.
That is also required at that when your product will go one place to another so you will require transportation.
6.Profit Margin.
The profit margin depends upon several factors, such as marketing cost, sourcing of materials, manufacturing cost etc.The profit margin in this business should be around 20-30%, that means if you sell 10 kg Namkeen at INR 200, the profit will be INR 40-60.
7.Investment & Finance.
The entrepreneur require to invest in the business. The capital investment for small-scale industry will be around 3-6 lakhs approx. One can even get finance through various sources like nationalized banks, private banks and financial institutions.
Best Of Luck For Your Business…

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Difference between Business, commerce,Industry and Trade

What is Business ?
According to a person may become busy in several or different types of activities for example reading, writing, printing, paying etc. Because of any of these activities may bring him money, prestige, power or any other kind of satisfaction known only to him.
In other words in economic sense the business means work efforts and act of people which are connected with production of wealth.
Components of Business:-
A) Industry
B) Commerce
C) Trade

  • Refers to economic activities
  • Connected with conversion of resources into useful goods
  • This include Activities relating to producing or processing of goods as well as breeding and raising animal.
Followings are the Categories of Industries:-
1.Primary industry
2.Secondary Industry
3.Tertiary Industry

1.Primary Industry
The extraction and production of natural resources and reproduction development of living organisms, plant and animals etc.
These industries may be further divided into Two parts.
i) Extract Industries.
extract or draw out products from natural resources.
ii)Genetic Industries.
Remain engaged in breeding plants and animal for their further use in reproduction of plants and animals.
2. Secondary Industries
  • These are concerned with using the materials which have already been extracted at the primary stage.
  • These Industries process such materials to produce goods for final consumption or for further processing by other industrial units.
It may be further divided as follow:-
i) Manufacturing Industries
it is producing goods through processing of raw material and thus creating from utilities.
3.Tertiary Industries
  • It concerned with providing support services to primary and secondary industries as well as activities related to trade for example Transporting, Advertising.
The process of Buying and selling all those activities which facilitate trade such as storing, grading, packaging, financing, insuring, transporting are called commerce.
-Principle function of commerce is to remove hindrances-
  • Hindrance of Person
  • Hindrance of Exchange
  • Hindrance of Place
  • Hindrance of Time
  • Hindrance of Information
(C) Trade
Trade is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services, with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller, or the exchange of goods or services between parties.
The most common medium of exchange for these transactions is money, but trade may also be executed with the exchange of goods or servicing between both parties.
Thank you…

Monday, 19 February 2018

What are the some tips for board Exam

One of the most important tips that i had used in my exam preparation and that is most useful at the time of preparation of the exam.
Followings are the most important tips for the exam preparation:-
1.Find a space of the home to study.
It means that if you want to start preparation of your exam so you need to find out a space in your home where you can do study alone where is nobody can not disturb you.
2.Take help from Previous year questions papers.
One of the most important thing is previous year question papers once you have studied anything about your subjects after that you need to solve the previous question papers again and again this process will help you that how the question paper solve quickly during the exam.
3.Make Small Notes of question whatever you have study.
Whatever you have studied from your book or any other sample papers so you have make small notes. in this notes you have to write main headings and main points that is related to your topic because this small notes will help you at the time revision before the exam.
4.stay with cool mindset.
Before the exam always try to be cool and calm because calmness and coolness is the two ways of thinking something new..
5.Try to study 2-3 hours only.
Here, i will not say that you have to do study 20-25 hours no that is not . I will suggest you that you have to do study just only 2-3 hours with the cool mindset not the whole day. and one more important thing is that try to do study with interest so that will be more effective.
6.Have healthy Diet.
During the preparation of exam you have to take healthy diet and take the snacks, and take fruits and food that will give you more energy to do study.
7.Organize the group of friends to study together.
if you do not have answer 1-2 questions so it may be happens that your friends have answers that type of question so try to make a group of your friends and do study together.
8.Try to repeat everything whatever you have studied early in the morning at 5 AM.
If you do not want to forgot anything whatever you have learn t so you have to wake up early in the morning and repeat those things whatever you have learn t. i promise you will never forget if you will start the learn at early in the morning at 5 am.
9.Compete with yourself.
Always try to compete with yourself that i have to do, i will do , why i can not do, i will do. that all the things comes in to the mind try to face these types of things.
10.Identify your weakness.
You have to identify your weakness. that what is your weakness. how can you remove this weakness and always try to hidden your weakness. Never tell your weakness to others.
11. Time management.
One of the most important is the Time management. if you want to preparation for your exam so you should make a time management. First you have to make a plan to settle a time on which that you have to study because your every minute or every hour is so important at the time of exam preparation.
12.clarify of thought, Expression & Handwriting.
Always try to clarify your thought in the answer and try to make a good hand writing that is understandable to anyone.

Things that require for start a new business of Namkeen.

Well, According to me First of all you have to go with these ways:- Planing Organizing Directing controlling staffing Potato chip...